Mike Watt zine


New COLOR COVER! B&W Zine, 5.5×8.5″, 64 pages. Bassist Mike Watt (the Minutemen, Iggy Pop Stooges Band, and more) visited RE/Search headquarters twice in the past four months (after all these years, this was the first time we had really met him in person). We taped him as much as possible.

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New COLOR COVER! B&W Zine, 5.5×8.5″, 64 pages. Bassist Mike Watt (the Minutemen, Iggy Pop Stooges Band, and more) visited RE/Search headquarters twice in the past four months (after all these years, this was the first time we had really met him in person). We taped him as much as possible.

New COLOR COVER! B&W Zine, 5.5×8.5″, 64 pages. Bassist Mike Watt (the Minutemen, Iggy Pop Stooges Band, and more) visited RE/Search headquarters twice in the past four months (after all these years, this was the first time we had really met him in person). We taped him as much as possible.

Mike Watt is cheerful, friendly and endearing—a lot of fun to hear—with his own unique style of phrasing (which we tried to preserve in this limited-edition zine). As stated in the introduction, “Mike Watt was tape-recorded for RE/Search TV (“The Counter Culture Hour”) while he was in San Francisco playing bass behind Tav Falco at Brick and Mortar. Subsequently he was in town playing two shows at the INdependent with his band the Secondmen, supporting “X” from Los Angeles on a West Coast tour. We also taped Mike Watt and fellow band members Hammond B-3 organist Pete Mazich and drummer Jerry Trebotic, union members from San Pedro, California, at RE/Search headquarters in San Francisco’s North Beach. This conversation involving V. Vale and Marian Wallace, was transcribed by RE/Search intern Jane Knoll.

Search & Destroy #1
Swing! (RE/Search Guide to “RETRO” Culture & Music)
A Visit From Monte Cazazza
LSD Museum: Keeping Tabs With Mark McCloud
RE/SEARCH #6/7: Industrial Culture Handbook