Message From Your Editor by V. Vale


Collects 20 years of Vale’s incisive cultural and philosophical essays, for the first time in print. Vale believes that “everyone is both an artist and a scientist” — he shows us all how to be more creative and more discerning.

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Collects 20 years of Vale’s incisive cultural and philosophical essays, for the first time in print. Vale believes that “everyone is both an artist and a scientist” — he shows us all how to be more creative and more discerning.

Collects 20 years of Vale’s incisive cultural and philosophical essays, for the first time in print. Vale believes that “everyone is both an artist and a scientist” — he shows us all how to be more creative and more discerning.

For more than 40 years, V. Vale has chronicled and created underground culture as the editor of Search & Destroy and RE/Search.

Message From Your Editor collects 20 years of Vale’s incisive cultural and philosophical essays, for the first time in print. Vale believes that “everyone is both an artist and a scientist” — he shows us all how to be more creative and more discerning.

“Vale always knows something weirder than you know. He can even define weirdness better than you can define weirdness. He has an intuition for weirdness that is second to none, because Vale is a hard-core scene-maker in a truly weird metropolis. He is an always-there guy-on-the-ground in Bay Area Bohemia, like a Boswell figure with five hundred punk Dr Johnsons.”—Bruce Sterling

Topics include:

  • William S. Burroughs & J.G. Ballard

  • A Brief History of RE/Search

  • Create or Die!

  • A Philosophy of Creativity

  • How to Survive as an Artist

  • Perils & Pleasures of “the Artistic Lifestyle”

  • Mellifluous Melismatics — Outsider Music

  • Death is Only the Beginning

  • Plus a list of books Vale considers to be essential reading!

LSD Museum: Keeping Tabs With Mark McCloud
Freaks by Daniel P. Mannix
Sale Price:$90.00 Original Price:$100.00
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A Visit with Kenneth Goldsmith
Leary on Drugs (“The BEST Leary Book!”)
Underground Living by V. Vale (intro by Rudy Rucker)