LSD Museum: Keeping Tabs With Mark McCloud


Mark McCloud interview/ conversation with V. Vale about McCloud’s LSD Museum in San Francisco, and many other subjects. Illustrated 5-1/2 x 8-1/2″ B&W zine. Mark McCloud is such a colorful character, and his museum is kinda incredibly strange! This B&W zine comes with a small color photo of Mark McCloud, signed by photographer V. Vale.

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Mark McCloud interview/ conversation with V. Vale about McCloud’s LSD Museum in San Francisco, and many other subjects. Illustrated 5-1/2 x 8-1/2″ B&W zine. Mark McCloud is such a colorful character, and his museum is kinda incredibly strange! This B&W zine comes with a small color photo of Mark McCloud, signed by photographer V. Vale.

Mark McCloud interview/ conversation with V. Vale about McCloud’s LSD Museum in San Francisco, and many other subjects. Illustrated 5-1/2 x 8-1/2″ B&W zine. Mark McCloud is such a colorful character, and his museum is kinda incredibly strange! This B&W zine comes with a small color photo of Mark McCloud, signed by photographer V. Vale.

People have commented “how funny” this publication is; see for yourself!!! Does LSD expand the capacity of the human brain for wordplay, puns, rhymes, alliteration, all forms of humor—et al? Does LSD deal the death blow to rigid, linear, logic-only “thinking”?!? If the real purpose of humans is PLAY, then … let’s die laughing … but only after a buncha “peak experiences” … preferably, long after our threescore-and-ten…

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